Western Gaming was formed on 24th October 2018 by R38per Spike.
Here at Western Gaming we strive to constantly improve in not only our operations as a gaming community, but in the overall enjoyment of our members in the community.
We are diverse in so many ways-job skills, perspectives, race and ethnicity, age, gender, and our experiences, that it makes every single person here important.
If you feel like you want to join and feel that you could contribute to our ongoing developments please feel free to contact us on our Discord: http://discord.link/westerngaming
We are fortunate to have a rich legacy of excellence to inspire us.
Our Owners and previous members have blazed a path for our community that is unmatched.
Our commitment to their vision only goes to strengthen our organisation, while we know you will be doing your part to carry on Western Gaming’s rich legacy, our team will be doing our part to support you and your enjoyment of the virtual gaming world.
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